
Nadine de Macedo feat. Jordan Hirsch - Pyromancer

This song tells the story of the conquest of a medieval fortress. The narrator is a fire magician, who received the order to burn everything down. My cover illustration shows the pyromancer. Medieval lyrics just belong to medieval heavy metal! This song is part of my album “Going My Way”.

Looking for a glimpse of fire
eyes burning with desire
When all warriors cross their blades
you’re ready for the raids

Bastards climbing up the walls
They heed the final call
Archers firing into night
Call fellows to unite

This is your last turn
Let the ashes burn

Cloven hooves pervade the walls
As men fall into brawls
Ascent of fire on dried grass
Listen to that swelling brass

The brotherhood fulfills its aims
As foes burn down in flames
Ashes are all that remains
The smell of our disdain

This is your last turn
Let the ashes burn

This is your last turn
Let the ashes burn

©2021 Nadine de Macedo

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