• Photo by Dose Media on Unsplash

    How I found my own drawing style (part 2)

    Have you ever wondered, how you find your personal drawing style? In search of my own style, I tried out a lot in between manga and realism; I even tried water colours and digital drawing. Over 20 years after my first attempts on comic illustration, I found my sweet spot in realism, portrait drawing and digital art. Here is how I found my own drawing style.

  • Aquarell by Nadine de Macedo

    How I found my own drawing style (part 1)

    Most artists and illustrators find their personal drawing style after a long time. I’ve tried manga, naturalism, still lives, portraits, and it took me more than 20 years to realize which kind of art, style and tools work best for me. Finding your own drawing style is an ongoing process you can only establish the more you try. In this and the next blog post, I will guide you through my milestones and stylistic changes. Let’s take a look in my very beginnings.

  • Picture by Nadine de Macedo

    How to draw a check shirt

    Right after posting the cover of The Verge single “Back In Town” somebody asked me on Instagram, how to draw a check shirt. Since it will take a while until my speed painting is ready, I’d like to sketch how to draw plaids, tartan and stuff. While reading this post, you may also learn, why check shirts are so important in rock music and why these patterns are quite hard to draw.