• She writes poems by Marcos Paulo Prado / Unsplash

    Why I don’t write lyrics in my mother tongue

    Most songs played in the radio are English. Plenty of artists come of English-speaking countries, but even artists, who grew up somewhere else, try to write their lyrics in English. It may be a good idea if you want to grow a larger audience, but it’s only one of the reasons.

  • Photo by Kai Pilger on Unsplash

    Are songwriters influenced by the music they hear?

    Lots of musicians and songwriters are being asked which kind of music they listen to. But sometimes, the taste does not match the music they perform. How can songwriters write something unique though they are influenced by other songwriters? A discussion on songwriting and influences.

  • Photo by Christian Spies on Unsplash

    Changing the style of music

    I received a lot of e-mails and comments asking why I quit producing electronic music. The answer is not as easy, so I decided on writing a blogpost to explain what is the real idea behind my change of music genre.

  • Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

    Do you need a signature sound?

    A signature sound is a style an artist creates over the years. Most of the time, the singer dominates the sound of a band, but a signature sound can consist of rhythmic patterns, structures, melodies or sound design. It’s the sound that comes straight into your mind, when somebody speaks of a certain band or artist. Just the other way round, an artist with a signature sound can be easily recognized when played in radio stations. Let me share my thoughts.