Be Yourself

Matt aus Be Yourself

Genre: Graphic Novel
Tools: Pencil and paper
Topics: Music business, subculture, escapism
Audience: Adolescents
Pages: 150 pages, hardcover edition, small print
Years: 2004 – 2006

Shortly before finishing school, Matt doesn’t still know which way to go. He likes sports as much as music. After sending a demo tape to a major label, he is invited for a personal interview. The label wants to sign him, if he becomes a part of a casted gothic rock band. Since Matt is more into grunge, he cannot identify himself with the gothic subculture.

“Be Yourself” was exhibited on the “Düsseldorf is ARTig” culture festival in Düsseldorf, 2005. During the exhibition one could have a look into the original drawings and the printed book. As the graphic novel was drawn with pencils and colour pencils, it was really hard to copy it.

Unfortunately, this work is only available in German though some parts were written in English.


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